About Us

Kingfisher Training is a great destination on your career path

What We’re All About

Kingfisher Training Consultant is a company specializing in live online education with content compiled based on certified international assessment standards. Instructors are internationally trained and certified individuals who will closely follow and follow students throughout the course. Our core value is to help students make good use of useful knowledge in their own lives and work. Your success is our pride.

Learns from the Nature

The kingfishers are some of the most interesting birds in nature.  Human beings have studied from them a lot in our innovation. The engineers looked to nature to re-design the bullet train. They noticed how kingfisher birds are able to slice through the air and dive into the water to catch prey while barely making a splash. They then redesigned the front end of the train to mimic the shape of the kingfisher’s beak. Not only did this help to reduce noise and eliminate tunnel booms, it also allowed the train to travel faster using less electricity.

Kingfisher is a small bird but really shaped in their skills. That is the idea we want to encourage you in your path. 

Our Vision

Who We Are

“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

Become one of the largest training centers in the South East Asia Area and transform every single coworker to a new level.

With me, it is not about how much the knowledge you have, the more important thing is how professional you practice in your real life.

That’s reason we choose to train live-online in our programs.

Mr. Teh Tuan Ann


Learn From Industry Leaders

You could get the trust from our trainers who have educated from the international institutions and have the experience in their fields.

Learn at Your Own Pace

You are the point that we focus on in the process of training. Not only bring knowledge to you but also make you professional using them in your place.

Professional Certification

Get the international Certification with the significant value that make you shine in your path.